Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Time For A Referendum Now, Don't Let Cameron Drag It Out Until It's Too Late.

Now is the time for the whole of Great Britain to say what we want. The time for waiting is over.
Cameron and his cronies are never going to do the right thing by us, as he has made evident by his single-minded open door policy to all and sundry. The next wave of immigrants from Europe are soon to be allowed in, without any preventative measures to ensure we do not suffer another crimewave, and more burdening of our Health Service, Benefit System, Social Housing and Prison Service.
One has only to watch TV programs like "Pickpockets" that have recently been aired, to see just how many crimes are committed by Romanians and other Eastern European migrants.

We are still sending foreign aid to countries whose governments are so corrupt, that there will be no benefit to the people who need help at all. This country is bankrupt! Yet we are still finding money to send overseas, not least sending help to Syrian rebels, whose problems we are interfering in yet again!
It is high time the Government learned from the total disaster Tony Blair created, when he declared war on a country for having "Weapons of mass destruction" even though it was just hearsay, and unproven. It is also time that the British Government realised it is time to bring our troops home, where they would be better employed patrolling our borders, and defending this small island from terrorism from overseas, allowed in by the back door, and also the home-grown terrorists we are witnessing now.

When will they learn, that before we interfere in the affairs of other countries, we need to sort our own out first, the danger is here already. We have given homes to immigrants from all over, in the hope they would bring new blood, and integrate into our way of life. What has in fact happened is that those same people we gave a chance, and a good life here, are now training terrorists and plotting against us, because we will not conform to what they expect from us. We need much tougher ways to deal with any threat to our once Great Britain, not least being able to swiftly expel any such terrorists posing a threat to us. The human rights of these people should be forfeit, as they do not afford us any human rights, and if we were in their country, our lives would be taken, just for our views, leave alone any act of violence or terror. We are seeing young girls being groomed, and put to work in prostitution, even their own daughters are mutilated in this country, and acid thrown in women's faces, just because they want a different life, but the menfolk won't allow it. What happened? Where did it all go so horribly wrong? and when will something be done to get our beautiful country back how it should be?
The UKIP party has made great advances, and Cameron is running scared. He will cajole us with promises of a referendum, after the next general election, but only if UKIP do not stand. Laughable, as by then it will be too late, the next wave will have arrived, only to be followed by the next lot that join the ill-fated EU. Soon there will be nothing left for those of us who have worked all our lives to provide for the scroungers of the world. Benefit reform would be simple, you should only be entitled if your grandfather contributed for at least 20 years. There you go, job done! wasn't so hard to work out was it?

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